High Desert

Circulate Vascular
Success Story


High Desert Advisors collaborated with Circulate Vascular, streamlining operations, enhancing patient engagement, and strengthening industry connections.

Circulate Vascular, a thriving vascular clinic with a commitment to providing top-notch care, faced unique challenges in optimizing its operations and enhancing patient experiences. The clinic sought a strategic partner to address these challenges and turned to High Desert Advisors for guidance. Through a comprehensive approach that included office management, staff training, call center support, and physician liaison services, High Desert Advisors played a pivotal role in transforming Circulate Vascular into a healthcare success story.

Practice Consulting& Development

Scaling Operations for Success

High Desert Advisors, with its extensive experience in practice consulting and development, joined forces with Circulate Vascular to help the clinic overcome its unique challenges. Their comprehensive approach was designed to create a complete solution tailored to the clinic’s needs.


We started by carefully examining the clinic’s administrative processes, identifying areas where improvements could be made. This included things like making appointment scheduling more efficient, streamlining patient flow, and simplifying billing procedures. As a result, the clinic became more efficient, with shorter wait times and smoother operations. This made the patient experience much better.


Recognizing the importance of a well-trained staff, High Desert Advisors put together a special training program for Circulate Vascular’s clinical and administrative team. This program covered the latest advances in vascular care, how to comply with regulations, and the best ways to communicate with and coordinate care for patients. The staff became more skilled and were better at taking care of patients.


To improve communication with patients and provide better support, High Desert Advisors set up a call center and CRM system. This meant patients could get help quickly, receive reminders about appointments, and access important healthcare information. This made patients more engaged and satisfied with their care.


Building strong relationships with other doctors and healthcare organizations was also important. High Desert Advisors appointed a dedicated physician liaison to help with this. This resulted in more referrals from other doctors and healthcare organizations, helping the clinic grow and become more respected in the community.


The partnership between Circulate Vascular and High Desert Advisors shows how practice consulting and development services can make a real difference. High Desert Advisors’ commitment to solving problems and providing tailored solutions helped Circulate Vascular succeed. They made sure the clinic not only met but exceeded its patients’ expectations, even in a competitive healthcare environment. This partnership proves the positive impact of dedicated consulting and development services in healthcare practices.

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